today i went for a meeting for schedule my part time job
after that i went for a short shop in Jusco in wangsa maju
where it is a place i passed by to reach home
i saw there have a sale and i bought some clothes,
later i bought myself a lunch and went back home.
then i enjoyed my meal with the grey's anatomy .....
im happy about this.
i might keep on changing my mind recently
and i might keep on complaining about many things
but im still moving forward
yes ... im continuing my part time
just i think it wont last long
and im going to move forward to my future plan
although the plan is keep on changing lately
but at last i think it will goes back to the original plan
life is suck ....
but the important is how to enjoy the suck life
and how to move forward
im trying to get use the suck life
and fight for my future !!!
(hope this thought can last longer ~~~ haha ~~~)